Sunday, July 26, 2009

Today was a perfect day. We started with a great breakfest at Days inn where we got to pour our own waffle in the shape of the state of Texas. From the cab drivers to waitress at the Steakhouse everyone states, "yes sir, and yes ma'am". From there we went to the riverwalk district of San Antonio. Very nice, there is a mall, and many highend sold out hotels. The weather was cool compared to Tampa with lower humidity. I was outside walking around and not sweating ! At the mall at the Riverwalk watched the movie "Ugly truth" very entertaining, funny and predictable. But, I am a sucker for Hollywood endings, the whole suspension of reality thing. Traveling is mind expansion, fun to people others from different states. Yesterday had great conversation from a group of kids from Pittsburgh Kansas good nature country folk eating break-fest in New Orleans. Tomorrow it is off to Las Cruces New Mexico. We will have the feeling we are finally in the Western Parts of the United States. Great country of ours that everyone must travel, see, and engage.


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