Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Short four hour drive from Las Cruses New Mexico to Tucson Arizona Home of the University of Arizona Wildcats, and John Mccain. Definitly, hotter here than Las Cruses, in Las Cruses it was actually cool when we woke up. Tomorrow is the big day we move in to our new place.

Monday, July 27, 2009

We finally got some Western scenery. The hills and Mountains were nice. We drove past the landscapes, and Towns Rob Zombie uses. There are a long time between gas stations so, "gas up" every chance you get. It was hot but a dry heat, better than Tampa Heat. Tomorrow Tucson Arizona. The crazy thing of the day is I stopped to use the bath room in
San Angelo Texas and written on the bathroom wall is Tampa, the town I just came from what are odds of That picture enclosed.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Today was a perfect day. We started with a great breakfest at Days inn where we got to pour our own waffle in the shape of the state of Texas. From the cab drivers to waitress at the Steakhouse everyone states, "yes sir, and yes ma'am". From there we went to the riverwalk district of San Antonio. Very nice, there is a mall, and many highend sold out hotels. The weather was cool compared to Tampa with lower humidity. I was outside walking around and not sweating ! At the mall at the Riverwalk watched the movie "Ugly truth" very entertaining, funny and predictable. But, I am a sucker for Hollywood endings, the whole suspension of reality thing. Traveling is mind expansion, fun to people others from different states. Yesterday had great conversation from a group of kids from Pittsburgh Kansas good nature country folk eating break-fest in New Orleans. Tomorrow it is off to Las Cruces New Mexico. We will have the feeling we are finally in the Western Parts of the United States. Great country of ours that everyone must travel, see, and engage.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Another successful day, it started with our car being blocked in as we left the Hotel in the famous French Quarter. After the struggle it was a smooth ride, to the Riverwalk in San Antonio. So far the people everywhere have been cool. We had a nice Texas steak dinner. Driving up it was awesome to look at the sky, as it looks so big in Texas. Anna is upset because her cat keeps crying, otherwise a perfect trip so far. Tomorrow we will take a river taxi and take a ride down the river. Then New Mexico, and Tucson Arizona.

Friday, July 24, 2009

We are here in the cool, historic, and dark French Quarter. The vibe is very cool, cool if one is young and single. Also, cool for older and married, as one can chill and have very frozen Hurricanes drinks that taste like candy. The Hotel looks like an old school New Orleans nieghborhood. What I like about driving into a city is how the houses before one gets to the city evolve. Here because Katrina the houses are all new. As Anna and I walked the French Quarter there were a lot of tourist groups. The European groups were clean, smiling, and eating regular American foods like hot dogs (marveling at the taste). The American groups were all dirty and sweaty from re building houses for the poor, all groups of young students, and good people faced adults had a cool vibe. The weather was a pleasant surprise not as hot and humid as it was the last time in New Orleans but I could still cut the humidity with a knife. For lunch we ate at Toulouse place, the food was incredible and cheap. I had the taste of New Orleans Gumbo, jambalaya, and Red beans/ rice. Then we had a dreamy pecan pie(picture tomorrow when I get my usb cord going). Parking was a nightmare, but not all can be perfect. Tomorrow will post more pictures.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Today we finished packing the trailer and headed out of Dodge. You can move away from a place but you can not move away from yourself Hemmingway wrote, but it is so good to start something fresh and new. The road was fun and mind clearing. The road gives one great perspective. Fun to look at the wide open spaces heading out of Florida on i75 to I10 to Pensacola. Will post pictures tomorrow Received calls from a friend from College, my dad, and a perspective job. We were sent off by Anna's Mother, and Anna's long-time friend. We are now in a semi-shady hotel, sacrifice for Pet friendly Hotel.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This is the first day of the trip where we finish cleaning for the next folks, and start
dreaming for ourselves with excitement for a fresh start in a new town. We are not delusional that San
Diego is better than Tampa, but we know it is different. Life is fragile and uncertain where ever you are. At
our low crime condo we had a break in next door. Our trip starts with New Orleans (French Quarter), to San Antonio (River walk) to
Tucson, to Grand Canyon to San Diego. Here we go !
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