Friday, November 26, 2010

Ten Commandments of Eating right to maintain or lose weight.

10. Have a detailed plan of what you are going to eat, the goal is to burn more calories that what you eat.
9. When you go out substitute french fries for Broccoii
8. No carbs after 2 p.m.
7. Only eat favorite fattening meals on birthdays and holidays
6. When feeling sad stay away from eating
5. Stay away from Vending machines
4. Sugar are empty calories that turn straight to fat
3. Stay away from any soda, and non sugar drinks like Diet Green tea
2. Try to get to as close to the "Protein Power" Diets as much as possible
1. No night eating !!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Here is a good comment from my Face book page Adam Anderson: The key for me was getting on the stairmaster on an empty stom...ach first thing in the morning. And when I say stairmaster, I mean the real one with moving stairs...The one that will leave you curled up in the fetal position on the gym floor crying for your momma.The key is empty stomach in the AM. You burn through all your energy reserves during the night sleeping (and healing), so when you work out in the morning your body goes straight to the fat. Drink a cup of coffee if you want but make sure y...ou take in no calories before you start.
Then afterwards, eat a good meal and continue to eat well throughout the day. Your body won't make new fat because it's getting plenty of food and doesn't see the need.
Otherwise, when you cardio later in the day, you have to burn through all the energy stored from food you ate throughout the day.

10:22 PM  

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